The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars (TFIOS) is a Young Adult novel written by John Green. Recently adapted for a film, due to be released next month, TFIOS is a touching story, “a pitch-perfect, elegiac comedy…[which] will linger long and hard in the minds of teens and former teens.” (USA Today in 2014, Online). It is because of its turbulent story why I chose to adapt this novel for stage. Although coming to cinemas in the next month, the intimacy you feel while reading a book -getting to know the characters on a one-on-one basis, taking as much time as you need to discover their flaws, talents and misfortunes- will be lost on its transfer to the big screen; mainly due to masses which will be watching it with you. A full cinema screen, no matter how dark, will always feel crowded, making you aware that you’re not really alone while discovering this new and inviting world.

Adapting a book for screen gives the director much more freedom then the restriction of a ten minute performance. Editing John Green’s story down to ten minutes has been one of the greatest challenges. With so much depth, back story, sub-plots, interesting characters and fascinating plot twists, I knew Hazel Grace’s story had to be done justice. Choosing to axe complete plot lines and characters of Green’s multidimensional world, I chose to focus solely on the relationship between Hazel and Augustus, providing a heart warming and breaking story of two star-crossed lovers, whose “like with all real love stories, it will die with us, as it should” (Green 2012, p. 259)


Works Cited (2014) The Fault In Our Stars, Online: (accessed: March 02 2014).
Green, John (2012) The Fault In Our Stars, London: Penguin Book Ltd.

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